agnes foundation

Phone: 07 5597 1633
1 Herbertson Drive, Molendinar, QLD
(off Southport-Nerang Road & Ashmore Road)
Open to the Public
About Us
Gold Coast Table Tennis is your local community table tennis centre catering for members & guests from Tweed to Brisbane.
Gold Coast Table Tennis is a non-profit organisation open to all people and welcomes you to participate in the sport of Table Tennis.
The Club was formed to provide a purpose built table tennis facility on the Gold Coast. In addition to weekly usage by our members for social, fixtures and coaching, the Club is used by several schools for inter-school competitions & their weekly sports day and regularly hosts several state, national events as required. The centre is also used as a social outlet for retirees and runs weekly programs for persons with disabilities. New Members are welcome.
Services we provide:
- Social/Casual Play
- Fixture Competitions
- Coaching
- Tournaments / Events
- Schools, Persons with Disability and other groups
- Hall Hire Bookings
- Equipment for Sale
- Kitchen Facilities
Our Mission
To be successful and progressive club that offers enjoyment through safe, friendly, family orientated sporting and social activities for the local community.
To promote Table Tennis as an enjoyable and competitive sport for all ages and ability levels.
Mission Statement
“Gold Coast Table Tennis Association is a welcoming & inclusive sporting environment that ensures everyone; participants, coaches, officials, administrators, spectators or any other person involved in, or visiting the Club, is made to feel welcome, included, and valued, regardless of age, ability, disability, income, education, sexual orientation, race, religion or personal attributes.”
Short History
The Gold Coast Table Tennis Association (GCTTA) was formed in 1967. The club commenced fixture competitions immediately using the homes of various players as venues. This very social approach to competition saw supper regularly provided at the end of each night's competition.
Eventually it was decided to rent a hall, and 5 tables were purchased from Brisbane Table Tennis Association for the princely sum of $20 each, which were paid of at $5 per week. The club affiliated with Table Tennis Queensland as an associate club of Brisbane Table Tennis Association (BTTA), and with the support of BTTA, the Gold Coast Bulletin and South Coast Dairy, the early success of the club was assured.
Some of the early features of GCTTA included Thursday night ladies only fixtures, and Saturday afternoon Juniors only competitions (which peaked at 150 competitors). The club has many long serving members including Barry and Agnes Herbertson.
The club has operated from various rented accommodation around the northern end of the Gold Coast, but in 1992, with the provision of land and an interest free loan from the Gold Coast City Council, the club was able to set up a permanent residence at our present location in Herbertson Drive, Molendinar.
Throughout the highs and lows of our sport, Gold Coast Table Tennis has always had success with our playing achievements, with Junior, Senior, and Veterans competitors reaching state and national rankings.
Life Members of the Gold Coast Table Tennis Association